Monday, April 11, 2016

Heather Sciacca

Hey Daryl you're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind… and everyone else's

The character of Daryl Dixon, played by Norman Reedus, is a well-known and beloved part of the Walking Dead fan world. He was there from the very beginning, and has survived (not surprisingly) every season to this date. He began his character as the hot-tempered chick who carried a crossbow, rode a motorcycle, and didn’t stop to think twice about putting in axe in a walker’s head. He is very emotionless and focused on surviving, while caring only for his older brother who happened to be the first “jerk” character on the show. Throughout the seasons it is easy to see how Daryl has changed from the angry cowboy to the well-rounded badass he is in the current season, but the real question is: when and why did he become one of the most beloved characters on the Walking Dead?Screen Shot 2016-04-11 at 11.36.03 AM.png

After fighting off zombies and roaming the land for many seasons,  the main group of survivors has finally settled in a place called Alexandria. On the Top Ten's page, Daryl takes the first slot, followed by Rick Grimes, Glenn, and Michonne. Every one of theses characters has shown their badass side in every way. Rick, whom many would think would be the number one because he is the leader of the group, once bit into a very much alive person's neck. Glenn is infamous among fans with his swift thinking and survival skills, as he is one of the smartest people in the group. He might also be taking a slot in the top ten for being one of the “really hot” characters on  the show, and according to a Buzzfeed article we should all admit to “how jealous we are of Maggie” (Stopera, 2013). Michonne first appeared on the show as the mysterious person in a black cape with a lot of baggage. And by baggage, I mean two zombie pets with their teeth ripped out and arms cut off. She also slays zombies with her katana like it's her day job. Each one of these characters has surely been the hype among fans at separate times, but not nearly as long as Daryl Dixon. Sure Daryl has killed over 142 zombies (the most among the characters) according to, but every character has killed zombies. What makes Daryl so special? Is it his long flowing greasy hair and muscles? Or the soft spot he carries underneath all of that dirt and grime?

Although many argue that physical attractiveness is not all we should look for in a person, society is still widely focused on the hotness of others. Both women and men’s bodies are shown as sexual objects, especially in film, movies, commercials, and tv shows. Everyone loved when Rick Grimes grew out his manly beard and sported the scruffy look, but no one's quite sure why Daryl is so extremely attractive. Of course over the seasons slaying zombies and holding that bow has let the character get very muscular, as he shows off his tough arms in tank tops and jean vests, and the camera is never reluctant to give us viewers a quick peek. Others suggest that “When Daryl slings a crossbow over his shoulder, the heavens part and a blinding white light of sexual heat appears” (Rosa, 2013). No matter how much looks matter in today's society, however, that can be the only reason people have threatened to riot should Daryl be killed off the show. Screen Shot 2016-04-11 at 11.38.11 AM.png

Other than his looks, Mr. Dixon is known to not give a care in the world about anyone other than his friends. He won’t bat an eyelash when it comes to killing the living or the dead, especially when they become a threat to the group's survival. Every threat Daryl has made he has done so with great confidence, and the viewers may actually fear him if they imagine themselves in his enemy's position. Daryl was one one of the first people to become emotionless (although we see some emotion peeking out of this past season) and start killing the zombies. He rarely has compassion for anyone and it takes him a  long time to trust someone. Even in the safe-haven of Alexandria he refuses to shower and keeps watch out of the window all night. He struggles with the idea of finally finding a place to be safe and almost cannot handle it.

“One word: He is the best” (The Top Tens). The fact is, if you could have anyone in the zombie apocalypse with you, it would be Daryl Dixon. Although his attitude may make you hate him at times, he makes the viewers, and other characters, feel safe. In the last episode Denise Cloyd, Alexandria’s doctor, explained how she felt safe around Daryl declaring that to be the reason she wanted him to tag along. The character of Daryl Dixon is literally the epitome of masculinity, which is why he is loved among fans of every gender. He can make some people swoon over him with his tan muscles or make others want to be just as badass as him with his nonchalant tough attitude. “Indeed, even though this narrow image of masculinity may only ever be embodied mythical figures, legendary heroes, and a very small number of men in society, ‘this does not...lessen its credibility as a standard of masculinity to which men are supposed to aspire’ ” (Kimmel, 2004 cited in Feasey, 2008). Point is: if the zombie apocalypse did happen,  fans either like to think they would be exactly like Daryl or want a Daryl around to ensure their safety. Daryl is by far the only completely “masculine” character on the show. Sure, Rick Grimes is the leader, but do you remembering him crying when he found out about his wife? And who wants to think about taking care of a baby in the zombie apocalypse? Now, I am not saying seeing a man cry isn’t masculine, but according to our society, it isn’t. Male fans (and definitely some female) want to be Daryl Dixon because of his tough masculine character. And female fans (and definitely some male) want to keep him around because he is incredibly hot and brave. People see masculinity as a badass way to be in the zombie apocalypse, which explains why Daryl takes the number 1 slot.
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Works Cited

Feasey, R. (2008). Masculinity and popular television. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

P. (2013). The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Best Scenes in Season 1 and Season 2. Retrieved April 8, 2016, from

Rosa, E. L. (2013). 28 Reasons Why Daryl Dixon Is The Sexiest Man On "Walking Dead" Retrieved April 7, 2016, from

Stopera, M. (2013). For Everyone Who Is Physically Attracted To Glenn On "The Walking Dead" Retrieved April 8, 2016, from

Top 10 Walking Dead Characters. (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2016, from

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